Friday 4 January 2013

Dance Performance Wear

Dance Performance Wear Biography
Nourhan's spirit of artistic responsibility, combined with inspiring and irrepressible confidence in her dancers' expression of beauty and originality, is also reflected in her clothing designs!!  Her original dancewear creations, SharifWear, are comfortable, practical, versatile, and uniquely feminine!!  The line includes tops, pants, dresses, skirts & accessories which can be mixed and matched for Salsa, Tango, Jazz, or Flamenco in addition to Middle Eastern  & Fusion numbers!   The high quality of fabrics, vibrant colors, & dazzling beadwork enhance the individual dancer and performance!!
Even a Goddess Needs Clothes Dance clothes for Divas that can Dance
I remember being asked by people: So, what are you going to be one day? I never liked that question. I felt pressured to fit into something that already existed. It takes courage to realize that all we get to be is true to our selves. What ever that might look like. We always loved to dress ourselves in most ridiculous costumes. Anything out of the ordinary. As a teen I developed my own sense of style, but it became more obvious as the punk phase began. I was never a real die hard punk that wanted the world to fuck off, yet I personally define punk as the braking down of unnecessary controls. It was a phase of liberation. Liberation from what is the norm and into my own creative space. If the soul is strong we will grow through the more destructive aspects of it all. Looking back at it now, I would say I was a soft-core-punk. The spikes on the outside where only there to protect the soft core inside.
Later in life I continued to feel un-empowered in most clothing that I could find in stores. I questioned my self for not fitting into them as I thought I should. Not that my body had a particular unusual shape... But they just did not make me feel good. Scissors and thread became my friends. I liked sewing machines, but due to a lifestyle choice I didn't have electricity for five years starting from the age of twenty. Needle and thread brought me back to the basics. I made pants, sweaters, shoes. Even hand sewn full costumes. Challenging myself to a nice, clean human stitch. It was not until I moved from Germany to Santa Cruz that it was truly time to get on the ball and get myself some nice sewing machines. Ideas compiled over the years, yet the manifestation of my creativity has its own timing. Now, that I have finally made space for ideas to come through I am beginning to overflow and can share some of these creations. A journey it has been

Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear
Dance Performance Wear



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